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  • Public Work Department (B&R) and Project Implementation Unit (PWD PIU) is the premier agency of Government of Madhya Pradesh engaged in Planning, Designing, Construction and Maintenance of Government assets like Roads, Bridges, ROB's, Fly Overs and Buildings.
  • Public Work Department has two wings PWD (B&R) & PWD PIU. PWD (B&R) looks after Construction, Upgradation and Maintenance of roads, bridges and Construction of the Buildings costing less than 25 Lacs. PWD PIU is responsible for Construction of Buildings costing more than Twenty Five Lacs in the State.
  • The PWD PIU undertakes Construction of Buildings in the State in Project mode. Public Works Department is Nodal Agency for e- registration of Contractors of all Works Department in the State. Our presence is felt in the field of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Health Care and Tourism of the State.
  • To Provide an adequate and efficient Road system encompassing all transportation needs so as to ensure smooth and uninterrupted flow of goods and passengers traffic both within the State as well as on interstate routes.